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EDU for all!!


Community Ownership, Voices, and Partnership

The only way we can close the gap in health equity disparities is by working with the communities. And we have to start with our own FAMILIES. The next video shows how we can create and be part of inequality in health.

  1. The Silent Child

4:24 minute The moment Joanne was telling Libby's mom that she would try to try interactive things for the girl, but the mother did not care and answered a phone call.

7:31 minute ---The first time Libby interacts with Joanne.

8:50- minute-Libby's face when she saw other people speaking in sign language.

11:40- minute when Libby asks for orange juice and the family does not understand what she is asking for, until her brother said he thought it was juice. but it is seen that no one gave importance to learned on sign language.

In the following video, we can, as an indigenous community, come together to achieve successful health programs.

1. Culture Matters

1:00 minute indigenous people are unrepresented in behavioral health research and in the development of interventions across public health spectrum.

3:19 minute Young people were enjoying the military as their way off the island.

14:42 minute It is important to understand that services for indigenous communities are often part of a broader nation building context.

15:55 minute They are promoting an alternative worldview that could look at their communities

In many communities, we see the loss of talents in the streets due to a lack of resources and opportunities. In the following video, we see an example of this.

  1. The People's Report

0:56 – Its research for power 250 surveys, right multiple interviews, extensive field observations from the street corners of Wilmington.

1:28 People just want jobs, people want just to feed their family, we don't have to live like this.

1:43 They want options but is too limited.

2:03 There is a lot of waste of talent in jails, in walking streets as well.

We are not alone, and some people and organizations can help to close the gap.

10 (individuals, organizations, offices) community stakeholders in Salisbury, Md. that help work with the city's vulnerable populations and their health issues.

1 -Wicomico county Health Department 410-749-1244

2-Lower Shore Vulnerable Population task Force 410-548-7174

3-wicomico County Partnership for families and children 410-546-5400

4-Wicomico Early childhood 410-546-3100

5-The salvation army lower eastern shore 410-749-7771

6- Salisbury Jaycees Foundation Inc.

7- Maryland Legal Aid - Lower Eastern Shore Office (410) 546-5511

8- Telamon Corporation (410) 546-4604

9- Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore (410) 742-9911

10- Wicomico County Department of Social Services (800) 332-6347

II. Community-Based Partnerships: What can you do?

If, as a community, we join forces, we can help our most disadvantaged members. An example of an organization could be the following:

1. Name: EDU for all

2. Mission: Inspiring community union and connecting people who care about education inequality.

3. Vision: Create prosperous communities where we can have equal education for all.

4. Goal statement.: Create more educated communities that have adequate access to education and health.

This organization is formed to help people find better access to education and thus lead a better quality of life, helping children create strong ties in their community. We are parents helping parents

Make a plan detailing:

2. Who would be your stakeholders? students, parents, families, community members, local business leaders, and elected officials

3. How would you involve the community? Creating a campaign that would show the need to inform the population of the resources that exist in terms of education and health.

4. Who would you approach?

To parents who need information so that their children can have the best education possible.

5. How would you include the community's culture in your approach to designing the initiatives?

We will work with different communities and cultures, trying to have translators and community members with whom people feel comfortable.

2. Your initiatives

Working with the community, the education department, and community leaders, we could help students who need special accommodations to get the most benefit from the system. And because many times, as parents, we do not know where to seek help for our children.

III. Action recommendations

Uniting the community to demand their rights before the department of education and the city authorities demands equality in education so that we all have the right to an even better economic and healthy future.


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